qraymo Garden

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Time Management

Heavy Loading - hardest things on day / week start

Weekends Chores

Cleaning up neglect - reducing chaos built up throughout the week / decluttering on weekends


Migrations (Notes, Tasks)

Retrospection -> summary, lessons -> strategy, system adjustment

Preparing for week ahead - cooking meals, setting goals (measurable), making plans and timetable

Deep, focused work sessions 90-120 minutes as much as possible

Breaking down big, intimidating tasks into small steps

Planning Items

Meal (Prep) Plan


Rest / Med Breaks

Outcomes: Day / Week / Month / Quarter / Year etc.

Money / Budget

Tracking (QS)

Hotspots (Time)


Routines Checklists (Habits)

Planned vs. Done Outcomes & Actions

Health Analytics

Exported from Apple Health: Sleep, Exercise, HR

Manually Added: Nutrition, Water Intake

Manually Measured: BP, Weight

With Django

Mood Logs


Mood, Anxiety, Productivity, Energy, Physical Feelings

Med Logs



Time Management