qraymo Garden

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January 13th, 2021


Don't know for sure why, but feel so edgy around Anya, irritated. She just pisses me off with her bursts of love bombing.

Feel so much easier and better once locked myself up in the WC. Like I physically want to run away from her.


Went too fast, I guess. Anya working out in BG + dubstep music + lack of run and meditation today + excessive mph and caffeine + TGI preps -> recipe for disaster: feel overwhelmed, scared, shaky, restlesss af, angry, irritated, on edge

Feels like I need a dedicated app for routines (mb schedule aw), where I can catch a flow without any interruptions, distractions. observations

Music without words seems like a good choice for the background. observations

Rapid logs work good observations

-> If you change something in your system and it doesn't feel right - go back to what's been working last.

January 13th, 2021