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January 1st, 2021

purportedly flashcards english


{{TODO}} For me, reMarkable is particularly powerful when combined with the bullet journal method. Bullet journaling, which has been around for a while, includes a "monthly migration"--once a month you look at your past daily logs and your future goals and make a plan for the next month. It forces you to step back periodically and ask yourself if you're doing the right things and are headed in the right direction. For me, this kind of reflection and modification is much easier when all my notes are stored and organized in a digital format.

There is an obvious lesson here: almost nothing that appears to be an overnight success actually is. In most cases, like The Queen's Gambit, things that seem to appear from nowhere and rise to immediate success actually take a lot of hard work over a long period of time.

Also, just to be clear, nothing is "meant to be." If it was, it would all be easy, and it's almost never easy. It only looks that way as an observer because you only see the finished product. It can easily make you doubt your own goals or dreams because they don't look like success--yet.

I've been suckered many a time this way and have found a sure fire way to not get scammed. You volunteer to take them to the pharmacy and buy them for them. If they are for real they will go with you... if not they will tell you to get out of there. For me it was a guy sitting near a grocery store with a sign saying his family needed food badly and were living in a tent. He was asking for money. I told him to come with me to the store 300 feet behind him and I would buy him ANYTHING they needed. He told me to get the fuck away from him. Never give a beggar money. Give them product. You'll never go wrong.

the curse of potential

diary observations without MPH but still couldn’t stop myself from obsessively choosing Apple Watch complications.

{{TODO}} maybe it’s about mph losing it’s effect and hyperfocusing tendencies are innate 💭

feel so calm, confident, joyful. Ready to conquer the world.

under alcohol, dociton (80mg.); well fed.

NYE: wonderful! Bit hard at the beginning, slow at preps. finally sat down around 23. but after that everything went well: tv, gifts, walk outside. Anya has put so much love and effort into her NY’s gift. I feel worry and guilt for spending too much on buying her APP as a gift.

{{TODO}} Bucket List DayOne subscription and use it for all the diary notes.

January 1st, 2021