{{TODO}} Fill out, put together documents for FRA tomorrow
Book tickets for tomorrow ride to FRA
Plan Friedland
Plan TGI Prep (for 7-10 days)
{{TODO}} 💡 👁 for life management (tasks, activities) and to bring shit under control, in order - I need one dedicated place, where everything will be together: tasks, dues, deadlines. LMS
and where I will be constantly reminded of them (they will be in view) = good overview, dashboard with all activities
same idea would be good for all the notes (knowledge items)
Seem like Notion is the only/best choice (with PARA methodology)
Todoist with integrations (gCal, roam; (ggf. mit notion, slash etc.))
with integrations (calendar, todoist)
or with smartblocks / dashboard through queries
19:25 ✍🏻 📍 📅 Weird. Anya freaked out after I went out walking for two hours. Demanded to defend myself and to prove where I’ve been. Called me multiple times when I hung up because I was at the counter. Want to know where I was on a minute by minute basis. It’s creepy. Such a violation of boundaries. Especially after forcing me to give her my IG account login infos. What about trust? conflicts
dm is 10min away, where you’ve been for a whole hour?
19:00 👀 ❤️ 🔬 so tense around people, so anxious. Hard to look in the eyes. zoloft? social-anxiety
this is exactly why you need spreadsheets to track data correlations and dependencies. It’s very hard to see connections manually with so many factors.
o2 latest Kündigungstermin November 6th, 2021 FLR
remind me on: November 1st, 2021
time and attention are two main finite resources
Всем на все похуй, всех надо заебывать. Никто ничего не будет делать пока не заебешь. Поэтому если тебе что-то нужно - you need to go and take it. — Anya