qraymo Garden

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December 29th, 2020

auto start torrent downloads at night, when I’m going to sleep

read bit about finances and feel less urge to buy more expensive things.

15:13 Reports

drank RB. let's see if it will make it worse. 💭

15:08 Reports

feel much better.

got amazon delivered.

using lap desk: much easier to maintain posture - feels much more ergonomic.

{{TODO}} effects of bad posture on energy levels important Bucket List

{{TODO}} synonyms auto-linking

{{TODO}} roam dashboard

{{TODO}} tags custom colors

went late to bed, around 2 am.

pretty sure it’s bc of increasing zoloft to 100mg ytd.

avoided eating to not wake up Anya, urinated often.

broken bed was squiggling, disturbed sleep aw.

hard to wake up, chest pain

roam is just a game changer. like BuJo on steroids. ->

December 29th, 2020