qraymo Garden

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March 3rd, 2021

just fapped to Anya via video call.

22:15 -> ⭐️ πŸ’« πŸ“ fucked up whole day. Only two moments when I was on fire and productive - wenn I drank coffee.

caffeine capsules didn't do shit, only brought anxiety and fkd me up.

spent whole day jerking off, chasing distractions, feeling down. All because of caffeine withdrawal.

I guess Red Bull withdrawal as well.

23:17 ✍🏻 πŸ“… Anya freaked out big time because I didn't take the phone, when I just could've been sleeping (was on WC) - it's so messed up...

Feel knot in my stomach, fear, anxiety, terror.

March 3rd, 2021