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March 19th, 2021

-> πŸ‘€ 22:40 See caffeine having a huge effect on me.

πŸ“… KIT Exams

672 Mechano-Informatik in der Robotik - 31.03.2021

105 Systemdynamik und Regelungstechnik - 27.03.2021

iCal Journal

-> You need to trust your system. So if you put in todos - put them all there at once.

-> πŸ’« πŸ“ You fall every time you avoid & thus increase anxiety. Everything changes once you stop avoiding.

πŸ’« schedule, in any form, brings order into your mind.

11:15 AM

πŸ’« βž• think you got worse once again after [[getting back together with Anya]] and putting again more pressure on your shoulders than you can bear (incl. trip to russia, activities & time together etc.)

1:00 PM

feel better after talking to Anya

πŸ’­ You need to learn to put aside your emotions. Having a system, steps and deadlines and just executing regardless of how you feel should help.

-> πŸŒ€ iCal is much better than handwritten (Regarding overview/feeling time, quick entry)

-> Favorite music gives motivation kick and good for playing in BG while studying.

✍🏻 πŸ‘€ Looks like regular quetiapine gets my mind straight.

-> πŸ“ Change your environment and you’ll change your life

Have a journal of things you did differently yesterday

Sacrifice what’s fun for what’s the most important

finished migration of calendars

[[OneNote Migration]] progress

everything in evernote exported from onenote - duplicates - there is nothing left over unique

everything in recent export files (docs or md)- duplicates

March 19th, 2021