qraymo Garden

Powered by 🌱Roam Garden

January 25th, 2021

{{DONE}} call VAS

{{DONE}} iStats setup

{{DONE}} roam - js for aliases

{{DONE}} check what's new in roam update

{{DONE}} write more in Building Workflows

{{DONE}} setup RSS feed

{{ARCHIVED}} smart blocks for mood logs

{{ARCHIVED}} call Krempels

Next Steps

Schedule tomorrow (try here) (try schedule)



{{TODO}} Friedland Anya

{{TODO}} Meldebescheinigung

{{TODO}} Anfahrt

Combine with Appointment in FRA

National Pass? ❗️



{{TODO}} Create minimalistic digital environment & Develop a Strategy for focused work

Create separate user account for trying new apps and experimenting and have minimalistic main user account with predefined systems in place with limited apps to support flow and prevent disruptions

For mac - new user account

For iOS, iPadOS - MDM or new apps on list and trying on virtual device

need to clean up dropbox

write down systems for workflow

{{TODO}} Fahrradflotte Coworking

{{TODO}} don't close chrome with last tab

💫 📍 🔬 quite often I can predict burnout evening before: I just feel exhausted, afraid of things I get to do tomorrow. I already feel like I can’t imagine me being productive tomorrow.

{{TODO}} 💡 to/try use hh:mm as diary signifier roam

19:26 Don't want to feel [[overwhelmed]] by all the todo's, but some of small Next Steps I'm inclined to do are: (all done)

19:20 ✍🏻 👀 ❤️ feel much better after taking a pause and spending some time journaling in roam

18:33 -> ❤️ 💫 ⭐️ 📍 When overwhelmed - learned from past experiences that the best thing you can do is to minimize input and slow down.

👀 comply foam headphones make a huge difference in cancelling noise and reducing input

19:20 ✍🏻 👀 ❤️ feel much better after taking a pause and spending some time journaling in roam

17:53 -> ❤️ 📍 after Braindumping understood: avoiding, because feel paralyzed and overwhelmed, triggered by too many things happening at the same time.

and automatically trying to cope by craving control.

17:33 ✍🏻 ❤️ whole day wasted - not productive at all.

dk what exactly triggered me, but as soon as I woke up second time around 12:30 - felt half asleep, totally disoriented and disorganized. And to this moment can’t put myself together.

physical triggers

maybe overwhelm was triggered by excessive-mph intake from the early morning on

was quite hungry, fell asleep at 9:31 with stomach ache from hunger, so IBS

emotional triggers

guilt due to too long sleep and general worry from when waking up too late

worry due to running out of mph very soon

events triggers

got Mail response from TGI faculty, saying that they need an Attest = social pressure

got answer from Krempels about Appointment in 3 days in Friedland = general feeling of chaos, exaggerated by Anyas panic

too many things almost due at once - feeling lost, overwhelmed; not knowing where to start.

TGI: , and studying

Paperwork/Financial backburners

especially with added Anyas appointment *

12:30 ✍🏻 update to *: sleep inertia, feel like a mess. but not sleepy, like I got enough sleep.

09:31 ✍🏻 🔬 Still way too sleepy and thus unfocused and unproductive - let’s try to get some more sleep and see if it will fix it

today I’m grateful:

to Anya for pushing me further gently

for having all the Apple tech

for having the ability to get mph

for having our own cozy and central and cheap space

to myself for holding on, for keeping faith strong, for resilience

to god for strengths, for the next level

to parents for love support and care

08:43 ✍🏻 🔬 woke up bit sleepy, but ready. bit distractive. maybe 6-7 hours is too little, but having 1 hour to fall asleep - too much, so will fall asleep earlier more easy today.

Why You should Track Your Mood:

  • Find Your Triggers
  • Gain Control
  • Develop a Strategy
  • Be Informed

If no one says what you’re trying to do is impossible, it’s probably not ambitious enough

If everyone says what you’re doing is impossible, it’s probably impossible. — @fortelabs

Принятие и смирение. Принимаешь - что можешь. Смиряешься с тем, что не можешь принять.

{{TODO}} Integrum, Eastview, Zotero apps to/checkOut

Adorno's Ultimate Jazz Mixtape (@AdornosMixtape) Tweeted: It is the time of year to be thankful for things that matter most to you so thank you Zotero, Roam, Integrum, and Eastview roamcult@AdornosMixtape

January 25th, 2021